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| MMK_Analyzing trends in temperature streamflow and precipitation over Southern Ontario and Québec_Thesis__ using the discreet wavelet transform.pdf | 2.5M | |
| Maurice G. Kendall-Rank Correlation Methods-Griffin, London (1970).djvu | 2.3M | |
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| Modern Water Resources Engineering_2014_[Jose_D._Salas_Ph.D.,_Rao_S._Govindaraju_Ph.D.pdf | 23M | |
| Mohammad Karamouz_ Sara Nazif_ Mahdis Falahi-Hydrology and hydroclimatology _ principles and applications-CRC Press ([2013] ©2013).pdf | 30M | |
| Nonparametric Statistical Inference, Fifth Edition-Chakraborti, Subhabrata_ Gibbons, Jean Dickinson(2010).pdf | 3.4M | |
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| Rank correlation methods_Maurice Kendal_Jean Dickinson Gibbons.pdf | 325M | |
| Rao-Dynamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data-Academic Press (1976).djvu | 2.3M | |
| Robert,Casella-Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Use R)-Springer Verlag (2009).pdf | 3.4M | |
| Robert,Casella-Monte Carlo Statistical Methods-Springer (2004).djvu | 7.0M | |
| Scanned_McMahon_Rein_River and Reservoir Yield_Book_15pp.pdf | 6.0M | |
| Simonovic-Managing Water Resources_ Methods and Tools for a Systems Approach (2009).pdf | 3.6M | |
| Statistical Methods in Water Resources By D.R. Helsel and R.M. Hirsch.zip | 6.0M | |
| Statistics of Extremes. Theory and Applications.pdf | 9.3M | |
| Stochastic-Hydrology_Marc_Bierkens_VanGeer_Utrecht.pdf | 5.2M | |
| Stochastic Water Resources Technology_Kottegoda.pdf | 3.8M | |
| Stream Hydrology[Nancy_D._Gordon,_Thomas_A._McMahon,_Brian_L._Finl(BookFi.org).pdf | 6.5M | |
| TS_time_series_modelling_of_water.zip | 19M | |
| Time.Series.Analysis.and.Its.Applications.With.R.Examples.3rd.Edition.pdf | 6.8M | |
| Toward a Sustainable Water Future- Visions for 2050.pdf | 22M | |
| Urmia Lake Water Governance Policy Analysis HKS 2015_Mahdi Zagharmi, Ka Tsai Ku, Liu Ying, Safwan Shabab, Mahfuzul Islam.pdf | 1.0M | |
| Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change_Article-2013.pdf | 3.4M | |
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| Water_Resources_Systems_Analysis_Karamouz.pdf | 5.9M | |
| [Allen_P._Davis,_Richard_H._McCuen]_Stormwater_Man(BookFi.org)(1).pdf | 18M | |
| [Derek_Eamus,_Tom_Hatton,_Peter_Cook,_Christine_Co.pdf | 10M | |
| [Larry_W._Mays,_Yeou-Koung_Tung]_Hydrosystems_Engineering_and_Management.pdf | 34M | |
| [Mackenzie_Davis]_Water_and_Wastewater_Engineering(2010).pdf | 13M | |
| [Richard_H._McCuen]_Modeling_Hydrologic_Change_Statistical_Methods.pdf | 5.4M | |
| [Thomas_A._McMahon,_Russel_G._Mein]_Reservoir_capacity and yield(1978).pdf | 5.0M | |
| mann-kendall-correlated.pdf | 436K | |
| probability-plot for pearson 3 by Vogel.pdf | 1.1M | |
| technical_english_for_civil_engineers_construction_basics.pdf | 535K | |